The message of the Interim General Director of ADR Northwest, Mrs. Livia Sanda Cătană:
„1,000 financing contracts, with a total value of over 8.4 billion lei, representing approximately 1.7 billion Euro, of which ERDF funding is 7.2 billion lei, respectively approximately 1.5 billion Euro.
Starting from an allocation of approximately 822 million Euros for the North-West Development Region within the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, by mobilizing regional actors from the public administration, the business environment, the academic environment and civil society, the North-West RDA has recently managed to sign the 1,000th financing contract, attracting European funds to the region that are worth more than double the allocationcomplicatedinitial countries.
The good collaboration with its regional partners and with the Management Authority for the 2014-2020 ROP, means that ADR Nord-West remains the best performing regional development agency in this programming period, ranking first both in terms of the contracted amounts in relation to the available financial allocation as well as in terms of the absorption of the funds related to the signed contracts.„

Contract no. 1,000 is for the project entitled "Rehabilitation, frame replacement and re-facade of school building P+2E no. 9, P+2E extension and multi-functional hall construction", SMIS code 121347, beneficiary Borşa City, Maramureş County.
The project is financed through PRIORITY AXIS 10 – Improving the educational infrastructure; INVESTMENT PRIORITY 10.1 – Investments in education and training, including vocational training, for the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures; SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 10.1 – Increasing the degree of participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at high risk of leaving the system early, appeal dedicated to compulsory education.
The implementation period is 102 months, respectively between 01.01.2015 and 06.30.2023.
The total value of the project is 11,179,846.04 lei, of which the non-refundable financial support from the European Regional Development Fund is 9,335,959.13 lei.