On Wednesday, February 12, 2020, at the headquarters of the North-West Regional Development Agency, 4 financing contracts were signed for the projects that will be implemented by the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection in Sălaj.
The projects are financed through ROP 2014-2020, Priority Axis 8, Specific Objective 8.3 – Increasing the degree of coverage with social services.
The four contracts were signed on behalf of the beneficiary by Mrs. Violeta Milaș, Executive Director of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sălaj.
SIMLEU1 – The closure of the Simleu Silvaniei foster care center and the establishment of two family-type homes: the SILVANIA family-type home and the MAGURA family-type home, as well as a day center for the development of independent living skills
Non-refundable eligible amount from the ERDF: 2,623,794.99 Lei
The total value of the project: 3,748,278.54 Lei
SIMLEU 2 – The closure of the Simleu Silvaniei Placement Center and the establishment of two family-type houses: the CIREŞARII family-type house, in the town of Şimleu Silvaniei and the MARIA family-type house, in the town of Crasna
Non-refundable eligible amount from the ERDF: 1,231,825.50 Lei
The total value of the project: 3,534,500.65 Lei
JIBOU1- Closing the Jibou Placement Center and the establishment of 2 Family Homes: CTF Mirşid and CTF Var and a Day Center for the Development of Independent Life Skills
Non-refundable eligible amount from the ERDF: 2,815,250.72 Lei
The total value of the project: 4,057,705.75 Lei
Jibou 2 – the closure of the Jibou placement center and the establishment of 2 family-type homes: ctf Someș Odorhei no. 2 and ctf Inău
Non-refundable eligible value from the ERDF: 2,721,128.92 Lei
The total value of the project: 3,887,327.02 Lei