Purchase Proofreading and text editing services


Hereby, the Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Contracting Authority, invites you to participate in the public procurement of Sproofreading and text editing services.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – Proofreading and text editing services

The services consist of correcting a text of approximately 800,000 characters (with spaces), which will be sent in pdf format, editing it in the sense of marking the corrections identified in the pdf file, through underlining and comments, to be easily understood and corrected in the editable file by a designer.

The service is necessary in order to grant the printing asset related to the 2014-2020 REGIO Project Catalog


Submission deadline: June 29, 2017, 3 p.m.


Funding source – ADR Nord-West's own budget

The payment term for the text proofreading and editing service is approximately 15 days from acceptance to payment of the invoice.

Offers are uploaded in SEAP with the name Text correction and editing service with CPV code 79821100-6 and/or can be sent to email addresses, ioana.neag@nord-vest.ro, secretariat@nord-vest.ro, or at no. by fax 40264/439222.

The language of the offer is Romanian.

The criterion used for awarding the purchase is The lowest price.

Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, with secondary headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264/431550,

fax: +40264/439222, email secretariat@nord-vest.ro/ nicoleta.glodan@nord-vest.ro, ioana.neag@nord-vest.ro , 0744777425, to the attention of the Office of Public Procurement and Technical Assistance Projects.

The deadline for submitting offers is 29.06.2017 at 2:00 p.m.

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