ADR Nord-Vest offers the following to the competition post vacancy for Public Procurement Expert, for an indefinite period, within the Office of Public Procurement and Technical Assistance for Own Projects, Economic Directorate
Main Responsibilities:
- Carrying out the public procurements provided for in the financing contracts of the IO, financed from the ROP / POAT and the agency's own projects and monitoring the performance of the procurement contracts as well as tracking the compliance with the delivery conditions and the other contractual conditions for the administrative contracts;
-Participating in the identification of the procurement needs, collecting and centralizing information from the agency's directions and departments;
– Elaboration and implementation of the annual Public Procurement Program;
– Elaboration of the annual public procurement strategy;
-Identifying potential suppliers for each category of purchases, creating and updating their records;
- Carrying out the reception of the purchased goods, services or works and participating in their reception Committees;
- Preparing detailed analysis reports and proposals regarding the improvement of the activities in his area of responsibility.
Studies / qualifications:
University studies, bachelor's level în următoarele domenii fundamentale/ramuri de ştiinţă, aşa cum sunt prevăzute în Hotărârea Guvernului nr.615/2017:
– legal sciences, economic sciences;
Other requirements:
– Qualification/improvement/specialization/training course in the field of public procurement;
The experience:
- experience of at least 2 years in the field of public procurement, after graduation;
- PC operating skills (Word, Excel).
- Stress resistance; patience; diplomacy; self-control capacity; responsibility; sociability; balance, analogical thinking, inclination towards analysis and investigation, emotional stability; developed ethical sense; orientation towards discipline, order, punctuality.
- Ability to work under pressure; the ability to maintain good relations with others; sense of responsibility; team spirit; initiative.
- Knowledge of contract management (sale-purchase, rental, works/services provision);
Bibliography for the competition:
- Law no. 98/2016 on public procurement;
- Law no. 101/2016 regarding remedies and appeals in the matter of awarding public procurement contracts, sectoral contracts and works concession and service concession contracts, as well as for the organization and functioning of the National Council for the Resolution of Appeals;
- Government Decision no. 395/2016 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions relating to the awarding of the public procurement contract/framework agreement from Law no. 98/2016;
- Government Decision no. 866/2016 for the modification and completion of the Methodological Application Norms approved by GD no. 394/2016 and by HG no. 395/2016;
- INSTRUCŢIUNEA ANAP Nr. 1/2017 din 4 ianuarie 2017 , INSTRUCŢIUNEA ANAP Nr. 2/2017 din 19 aprilie 2017, INSTRUCŢIUNEA ANAP Nr. 3/2017 din 8 august privind achiziţiile publice;
Organizational information:
- Anunţul privind concursul organizat va fi transmis la AJOFM ,va fi postat pe site-ul ADR Nord-Vest şi pe pagina de Facebook a agenţiei, în data de 17.05.2018.
- Persoanele interesate, care întrunesc cerinţele obligatorii specificate, vor transmite până în data de 29.05.2018, ora 16.00 următoarele documente pe email la adresa
- copy of identity document;
- CV dated and signed;
- the letter of intent with the date of submission and signature;
- copies according to study documents;
- copy of driver's license;
- copies of the documents certifying the professional experience (according to the requirements), signed and stamped, with the registration number from the employer;
- copies of any official legal documents, relevant to prove training/certifications and/or acquired knowledge (signed, stamped and with registration number);
- certificate issued by the family doctor or qualified medical units, from which it can be concluded that the person in question is fit to perform the work for which he is applying for employment (issued no more than 6 months before the competition);
- the criminal record (valid for 6 months from the date of issue) or declaration on your own responsibility that there are no entries in the criminal record.
- în data de 04.06.2018, până la ora 16.00, vor fi contactate telefonic sau pe e-mail doar persoanele care întrunesc cerinţele obligatorii ale postului pentru a fi invitate să se prezinte la concurs.
- Proba scrisă (testare scrisă a cunoştinţelor din domeniul de specialitate conform bibliografiei, precum şi testul de cunoştinţe operare PC-Word şi Excel) se va desfăşura la sediul secundar al A.D.R. Nord-Vest de la adresa din Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobanţilor nr.3, Cluj în data de 07.06.2018, începând cu ora 10.00. Durata examinării este în medie de 3 ore.
- Comunicarea rezultatelor obţinute la proba scrisă (test scris, test de operare PC) se va face telefonic sau pe email până la data de 11.06.2018, ora 16:00.
- Interviurile de selecţie se vor desfăşura în data de 14.06.2018, la ora comunicată de către comisie, la sediul secundar al A.D.R. Nord-Vest de la adresa din Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobanţilor nr.3, Jud. Cluj. La interviul de selecţie vor participa doar candidaţii care au obţinut punctajul minim necesar pentru promovarea în etapa de interviu.
- Comunicarea rezultatelor obţinute la interviul de selecţie şi respectiv rezultatele finale ale concursului se va face până la data de 19.06.2018, după finalizarea lucrărilor comisiei de recrutare şi selecţie.