RCIA – Regional Alliance of Creative Industries – Creative Industries Policy

Between November 18-19, 2109, in Copenhagen (Denmark), in the organization of the Creative Business Cup, the last interregional meeting of the consortium established in the context of the RCIA project – Regional Creative Industries Alliance (Regional Alliance of Creative Industries).

The agenda of the two days was structured in two main activities.  

The first day was dedicated to the consortium meeting attended by the representatives of the nine partner organizations in the project. It was the analysis and activity balance meeting at the end of the first stage, a stage that took place over a period of three years, January 2017 - December 2019. It should be noted that the RCIA project, in which ADR Nord-Vest is a partner, is financed through the INTERREG EUROPE cooperation program and takes place over five years, between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2021, in two stages.

On the second day, the Creative Industries Policy seminar was held, attended by experts from the cultural and creative industries sector from the partner regions, together with the team implementing this project. The seminar was organized in a six-panel format, benefiting from contributions from all partner regions. This facilitated the exchange of experience bringing to the attention of the audience, the local perspective, with initiatives and support actions dedicated to the cultural and creative industries. The following aspects were addressed:

  • the Danish perspective in the ICC;
  • strategic lines of development for ICC (Austria, Italy, Poland, Romania); 
  • hubs and clusters in ICC (Belgium, Greece, Romania, Spain)
  • financial support granted to the ICC sector (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Latvia, Greece, Romania)
  • initiatives for establishing the film fund (Austria, Italy, Greece, Romania)
  • policies to increase interest in cultural initiatives (Denmark, Spain)  

More information about the Regional Creative Industries Alliance project can be obtained by visiting the website:  https://www.interregeurope.eu/rcia/

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