Completion of the project "Rehabilitation, expansion, modernization and endowment of the educational infrastructure of the Kindergarten with extended program Albă ca Zăpada, loc. dirty"

The project "Rehabilitation, expansion, modernization and endowment of the educational infrastructure of the extended-programme Kindergarten Albă ca Zăpada, loc. Beclean" implemented by UAT Oraș Beclean.

The project was financed under the Regional Operational Program 2014 - 2020, Priority Axis 10 - "Improving
educational infrastructure", Investment priority 10.1 - "Investments in education and training, including training
professional, for the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning through the development of infrastructures of
education and training", Specific objective 10.1 - "Increasing the degree of participation in early education and
to compulsory education, especially for children at high risk of leaving the system early, dedicated call
compulsory education".

The total value of the project was 6,365,913.68 lei, of which the non-refundable eligible value from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) was 5,366,864.54 (85.%), and the contribution granted by the Government of Romania was of 820,814.57 lei (13%).

Following the implementation of the project, the following results were obtained:

  • the rehabilitation and modernization works concerned the development of an area of 1327 square meters
  • the constructed area with playgrounds is 1017 square meters, seven playgrounds have been arranged
  • equipped with modern teaching equipment and materials
  • the development of 350 square meters of green spaces

The impact of the project is the improvement of the educational infrastructure, the increase in the level of comfort and safety, as well as the doubling of the total number of participants in the educational process. At the end of the project implementation, there are 185 beneficiaries, of which 78 are girls, 107 are boys and 9 are disabled.

The source of inspiration for this project was a kindergarten in Fuji, Japan, which was presented as a model of good practice at the World Innovation Summit for Education. We invite you to watch the presentation clip of the Kindergarten in Japan and the one of the Snow White Kindergarten, made after the completion of the project.

Better space, better education? Japan's alternative kindergarten (Learning World: S5E41, 1/3)

The architecture of this Japanese kindergarten is striking: it has an oval shape which frames a garden, trees are growing through the roof of the building. Slides lead the way into the garden and animals are part of the establishment. There are no internal walls, so the children hear the noises from neighboring classes, helping them hone their concentration skills.

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Completion of the project "Rehabilitation, expansion, modernization and endowment of the educational infrastructure of the Kindergarten with extended program Albă ca Zăpada, loc. dirty"
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