Purchase object: hall rental services and catering services - for the purpose of organizing the event of internationalization of domestic products dedicated to the regional guide of best practices at the level of the North-West Region within the INNO Platform Compartment
Purpose of purchase: the purchase of hall rental and catering services - to organize a working meeting with representatives of companies that have internationalized local products/services - in order to discover the business model through which they managed to penetrate international markets. The event aims to achieve an exchange of experience from which we can learn the successful model of business internationalization in order to be able to replicate it and support companies with the potential to internationalize products/services in the North-West Region. The purpose of the event is to create a regional guide of best practices within the INNO Platform Compartment, which would also create a synergy for Axis 1, programming period 2021-2027.
Guests: representatives of companies from the region that have launched their locally made products/services on the international market
CPV code:
79952000-2 | Services for events |
55500000-5 | Canteen services and catering services |
Period: August 30, 2021, 14.00-19.00 | Location: Cluj-Napoca – Central Cluj Hub building area (maximum 500 m from Cluj Hub)
Participants: 12 people.
Purchase object description (technical specifications):
Coffee break – Welcome coffee: coffee (2 coffees/participant), flat/carbonated mineral water (2 pcs/participant*0.5 litres), juices (5 pcs various assortments*2 litres)
Cold buffet: cheese platter (minimum 4 platters of various assortments - 900 g/platter), fruit (250 g/participant), dessert (candy bar 4-5 assortments/participant)
Rooms: Conference room - minimum 60 sqm, equipped with air conditioner, sound system, setup for online event transmission, audio-video recording, high-speed wi-fi and mobile microphones (minimum 2 pcs).
Estimated value:
42 LEI/participant without VAT for catering services: coffee break and cold buffet
500 LEI/room without VAT for room rental services with sound system and videoconferencing
Estimated number of participants: minimum 12 people
Financial offer will contain costs grouped as follows:
- Total cost of catering services / person,
- Hall rental cost.
The final number of participants will be confirmed 12 hours before the event, which may be higher or lower than the initially estimated number.
Duration of the event: 5 hours
Contract NO
Term of delivery/performance/execution: 30.08.2021
Award criteria: the lowest price / total offer, subject to the full fulfillment of the requirements and technical specifications.
Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email achizitii@nord-vest.ro, in attention of the Public Procurement Office.
Deadline for submitting offers: 25.08.2021, 18:00.