The North-West Regional Development Agency (also referred to as the North-West ADR), as a non-governmental organization of public interest, operating under Law no. 315/2004, regarding regional development in Romania, taking into account the provisions of Law no. 544/2001, updated, regarding free access to information of public interest, publishes on this website aspects related to the activity of the institution.

The free and unrestricted access of the person to any information of public interest, defined as such by this law, constitutes one of the fundamental principles of the relations between individuals and public authorities, in accordance with the Romanian Constitution and international documents ratified by the Romanian Parliament.

On this page you can find both the information that is provided ex officio, as well as all the standard forms necessary to obtain other information of public interest that can be provided, upon request, by ADR Nord-Vest. They can be updated/modified/customized differently depending on the programs and projects coordinated by the Agency.

Contact address for submitting requests based on Law no. 544/2001 is: comunication[at], Web:


Secondary Office/Place of Work – Mailing Address

Strada Donath nr. 53A
Cluj Napoca, Cluj
Phone: 00-40-264-431550
Fax: 00-40-264-439222
e-mail: secretariat[at]
Cod poştal : 400293


Information of public interest – documents and forms

Normative acts that regulate the organization and operation of the public authority or institution

GD no. 398 of 2015 updated

Law no. 315 of 2004

Activity reports:

North-West ADR activity report for 2020

Report of activitye Northwest ADR for 2019

North-West ADR activity report for 2018

Activity report ADR North - West for semester I - 2016

Annual activity report ADR North - West - 2015

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