Hereby, the Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Contracting Authority, invites you to participate in the public procurement of Servicii de catering la sediul ADR Nord-Vest din Cluj-Napoca, calea Dorobanílor nr.3, in data de 14.09.2017 .
Technical specifications
- Servicii catering pe data de 14.09.2017
Pentru aproximativ 30 participanţi (numărul exact de persoane va fi comunicat cu o zi înainte)
– bruschete, salata 2 tipuri, carne 2 tipuri, desert, cafea, lapte pt cafea, apa minerala si apa plata, se va asigura varianta vegetariana,
Valoarea estimata : 40 lei/pers X 30 pers = 1.200 lei.
Funding source: AT POR
The bidders will send the bids by email to the address, Financial offers are drawn up by highlighting the unit price in lei without VAT/person and total value.
The language of the offer is Romanian.
The criterion used for awarding the contract is The lowest price
Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone 0744777425, +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email, to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.
Termen depunere oferte 13.09.2017 ora 13.00