Looking at the purchase of SERVICII RESTAURANT
Obiect achiziţie: Cina de lucru, 18.09.2017, in cadrul evenimentului Zilele REGIO – 4 persoane
CPV code: 55300000-3 Servicii de restaurant si servire a mancarii ;
Descriere obiect achiziţie (specificaţii tehnice): se achizitioneaza servicii de restaurant pentru Cina de lucru, 18.09.2017- 4 persoane.
Se solicita:
- 2 types of salad,
- main course (two types of meat and two types of side dishes, of your choice),
- desert,
- fruits
- coffee, milk for coffee,
- mineral water and flat water.
- Se va asigura varianta vegetariana
Costuri aproximative: 400 lei plus TVA (4 pers. * 100 lei, la care se adaugă TVA)
Term of delivery/performance/execution 18.09.2017
Interested bidders will send their bids by email to the addresses
secretariat@nord-vest.ro and/or nicoleta.glodan@nord-vest.ro. Language of
the offer is written in Romanian.
The criterion used for awarding the contract is the lowest price
Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR
North-West, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no. 3, cod
400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email
secretariat@nord-vest.ro/nicoleta.glodan@nord-vest.ro, in the attention of
Public Procurement Office.
Termen depunere oferte 18.09.2017 ora 13