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The North-West region gives the first GOLD Cluster in Romania!

The Transilvan Furniture Cluster, established in 2012 at the initiative of ADR North-West based on the good practices transferred within the South-East European project Asviloc+, reaches in just 6 years of activity the special performance of being awarded the AUR medal by the European Secretariat for Analysis Clusters, the most important distinction of excellence for cluster management at European and even global level. Mobilier Transilvan thus enters the family of the most performing clusters and marks a first for Romania, putting our country on the map, along with 16 other countries where there are clusters recognized and awarded with the "GOLD label":

With an impressive portfolio of projects and initiatives, being the only cluster in the region that in the period 2014-2016 implemented a Pole of Competitiveness project (ex-POSCCE) with a budget of over 4 million euros, it is currently one of the 7 Innovation Clusters from Romania, through the prism of the project that is carried out by the National Research-Development Program III.

The initiator of the Consortium of Clusters from the North-West Region in 2015, contributes to the development of an environment conducive to collaboration between the economic, research and public environments, by co-organizing large-scale events such as conferences dedicated to clusters, matchmaking events and collaborative projects.

Awarded with the label of ARGINT following the assessment of the management team at the end of 2015, it succeeds in just two years in the performance of obtaining the GOLD European title of excellence in the context in which the public support of clusters in Romania is not anchored in a current support policy of collaborative structures, and the little funding available is accessed in a competitive and meritorious way.

Through the ClustARS project - Excellence in cluster management, in the period 2014-2015, ADR Nord-West manages to contribute to the strengthening of the administrative capacity of four clusters in the region, by supporting the participation of cluster managers in specialized training abroad, the management audit of to accredited internal staff and the related payment of the first BRONZE labels in the region, thus creating the premises for the evolution of local clusters and their promotion at the European level. By belonging to the Enterprise Europe Network, by being a member of the Clusters Thematic Group at the European level, the North-West ADR experts constantly provide financing and partnership opportunities to clusters.

In the last 4 years, ADR Nord-Vest, through internal experts accredited by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis, has conducted management audits and thus contributed to obtaining the Bronze label, thus creating the premises for development and promotion for 8 clusters in the North Region -West and Center: Transilvan Furniture Cluster, AgroTransilvania, ClujIT, iTechTransilvania by ARIES, PrelMet Transilvania, AgroFood Covasna, TREC - Transylvania Energy Cluster, Creative Industries Cluster Transilvania and for the beginning of 2018, the management evaluations for the CLEMS Cluster - Cluster Innovative for a sustainable environment and the Cluster of woodworkers from Transylvania – Holzbox.

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The North-West region gives the first GOLD Cluster in Romania!
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