The contract related to the "CREATION OF A MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTER OF CAREI" project was signed

The contract related to the "CREATION OF CAREI MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTER" project was signed, Beneficiary: Carei Municipality UAT, SMIS code 123129.

The project is financed by ROP 2014-2020, Priority Axis 13 – Supporting the regeneration of small and medium-sized cities, Investment Priority 9b – Providing support for the physical, economic and social revitalization of disadvantaged communities in urban and rural regions. Specific objective 13.1 – Improving the quality of life of the population in small and medium-sized cities in Romania.

The Project implementation period is 62 months, respectively between 01.01. 2018 and the date 28.02.2023.

The total value of the project is 23,108,560.26 lei, of which the non-refundable financial support from the European Regional Development Fund is 19,637,120.97 lei.

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