A fost semnat contractul aferent proiectului „Centru Comunitar Integrat în Năpradea”

A fost semnat contractul aferent proiectului „Centru Comunitar Integrat în Năpradea”, Beneficiar: UAT comuna Năpradea, cod SMIS 155666.

The project is financed through ROP 2014-2020, Priority Axis 8 – Development of sanitary and social infrastructure, Investment Priority 8.1 – Investments in sanitary and social infrastructures that contribute to development at national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities in terms of the state of health, promoting social inclusion through access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to services provided by communities.

The project implementation period is 24 months, i.e. between 01.01.2022 and 31.12.2023, this also includes the period of project activities before the signing of the financing contract, according to the rules of eligibility of expenses.

Valoarea totală a proiectului este de 491.920,18 lei, din care sprijinul financiar nerambursabil din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională este de 339.012,93 lei.

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