The contract related to the project "Extending, modernizing and equipping the educational infrastructure for professional and technical education - Florian Porcius Vocational School" was signed, Beneficiary: UAT Commune Rodna, SMIS code 124918.
The project is financed by ROP 2014-2020, Priority Axis 10 – improving the educational infrastructure, Investment Priority 10.1 – investments in education, and training, including vocational training, for the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning through the development of education infrastructures and training, Specific Objective 10.2 – increasing the degree of participation in professional and technical education and lifelong learning, call dedicated to professional and technical education and lifelong learning.
The project implementation period is 70 months, i.e. between 05.03.2018 and 27.12.2023, this also includes the period of project activities before the signing of the Financing Agreement, according to the rules of eligibility of expenses.
The total value of the project is 6,982,894.31 lei, of which the non-refundable financial support from the European Regional Development Fund is 5,487,818.30 lei.