The financing contract related to the project "4.2.B Rehabilitation of degraded green spaces and the creation of leisure infrastructure in the "Sasar River Banks" area was signed

The financing contract related to the project "4.2.B Rehabilitation of degraded green spaces and construction of leisure infrastructure in the area "Malurile Raului Sasar" was signed, Beneficiary: UAT Baia Mare Municipality, SMIS code 129615.

The project is financed through ROP 2014-2020, PRIORITY AXIS 4 – Supporting sustainable urban development, Investment Priority (PI) 4.2 Carrying out actions aimed at improving the urban environment, revitalizing cities, regenerating and decontamination of disused industrial lands (including reconversion areas), reducing air pollution and promoting noise reduction measures.

Specific Objective (OS): Reconversion and refunctionalization of degraded, vacant or unused lands and surfaces in the county seat municipalities.

The Project implementation period is 53 months, respectively between 15.01.2018 and 16.05.2022.

The total value of the project is 22,257,323.64 lei, of which the non-refundable financial support from the European Regional Development Fund is 18,446,266.62 lei.

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