The financing contract related to the project "Revitalization of the non-motorized mobility corridor related to Someș, modernization and expansion of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure on the banks of the river, zone 2 - Armătura Park and zone 3 - Sports Hall Plateau" was signed, Beneficiary: UAT Cluj-Napoca Municipality, SMIS code 128155.
The project is financed by ROP 2014-2020, PRIORITY AXIS 4 – Supporting sustainable urban development, Investment Priority 4E – Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, especially for urban areas, including the promotion of multimodal urban mobility sustainable and adaptation measures relevant for mitigation, Specific Objective 4.1 – Reduction of carbon emissions in the county seat municipalities through investments based on sustainable urban mobility plans.
The Project implementation period is 59 months, respectively between 16.06.2017 and 30.04.2022.
The total value of the project is 44,242,722.88 lei, of which the non-refundable financial support from the European Regional Development Fund is 34,731,034.04 lei.