The North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Contracting Authority, wishes to purchase certification services of electronic signatures - 1 pc KIT
CPV code: 79132100-9 Electronic signature certification services
Object description:
- Qualified digital certificate issued in the public hierarchy valid for 1 year from the moment of its issuance. It ensures the unique authentication of the signatory and the integrity of the signed documents. Issued under the terms of Law no. 455.2001 by a supplier accredited by MSI
- eToken secure cryptographic device for creating the electronic signature. Secure device for creating the electronic signature, storing the digital certificate and the private and public key pair. It uses 2048-bit RSA private keys. FIPS 140-2 L2&3 certificate under the conditions of Law 455/2001 with double security mechanism. It is connected through the USB port of the computer
- Software application for signing electronic documents and timestamping. Software application for the electronic signature of electronic documents, the resulting files are in the form of pdf p7s or p7m. Sign and time stamp any type of electronic document. It can be used to verify any electronically signed documents, regardless of the issuer of the signature.
Estimated value 135 lei + VAT
The criterion used for awarding the contract is The lowest price.
Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email, to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.
Deadline for submission of offers 24.08.2018 at 12:00