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Purchase of catering services

Purchase object: achizitie catering pentru intalnire cenzori

Cod CPV 55500000-5

Valoare estimata 50 lei/participant 

·         Purchase object description (technical specifications):  catering required for 8 people

·         espresso coffee                                                                                  

·         condensed milk                                                                                

·         white and brown sugar                                                                               

·         still/carbonated water                                                   


·         rulada de pui cu ciuperci                                                

·         pork roll with vegetables                                               

·         assorted salad with chicken breast                                       

·         iceberg lettuce, romaine, tomatoes, rocket,

·         parmesan si crispy bacon                                                

·         bruschetta cu somon fume                                                            

·         bruschetta cu prosciutto                                                 

·         bread with seeds                                                                              

·         cheesecake                                                                                       

Period: 17 aprilie 2018 ORA 11,30

Award criteria: the lowest price / total offer, subject to the full fulfillment of the requirements and technical specifications.

Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email, in attention of the Public Procurement Office.


Termen depunere oferte 16 APRILIE  2018 ora 12

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