Purchase of catering services

Hereby, the Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Contracting Authority, invites you to participate in the public procurement of Scatering services at the headquarters of ADR Nord-Vest in Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobanílor no. 3, on 26.10.2017.

Technical specifications

Regarding the purchase of: catering services

Effective duration of the event: 5 hours

Participants: estimated 35 people

The final number of participants will be announced one day before the event.

Lunch composed of:

  • 1 kind of salad,
  • Sandwiches 2 pcs/person (different)
  • dessert, fruit
  • coffee, milk for coffee,
  • mineral water and flat water.

The vegetarian option will be provided (the number of people will be communicated one day before)

Estimated costs: 35 pers. * 50 lei plus VAT = 1750 lei plus VAT

The financial offer is drawn up in lei with and without VAT and will contain the costs grouped as follows:

Catering cost/participant, Total catering cost

The bidders will send the bids by email to the address achizitii@nord-vest.ro, Financial offers are drawn up by highlighting the unit price in lei without VAT/person and total value.

The language of the offer is Romanian.

The criterion used for awarding the contract is The lowest price

Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone 0744777425, +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email achizitii@nord-vest.ro, to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.

Deadline for submission of offers 25.10.2017 at 11.10.2017.

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