Purchase object: Catering services for two coffee breaks for participants of the SME Organics Interregional Conference
Purchase object description (technical specifications):
Catering services for the morning break, 40 people:
- coffee, milk, disposable cups, brown sugar – 40 servings
- the water in 0.75 ml glass bottles – 10 bottles of plain water, 5 bottles of mineral water
- what do you have, 3 varieties: mint, fruit and green, hot water, disposable cups - estimated for 20 people
- cookies salty and sweet – 200 grams per person, for 40 people
- spoons, napkins
- delivery time: 10:30
Catering services for the afternoon break, 25 people:
- coffee, milk, disposable cups, brown sugar – 25 servings
- the water in 0.75 ml glass bottles – 6 bottles of plain water, 3 bottles of mineral water
- what thathot water, disposable cups – estimated for 10 people
- cookies salty and sweet - 200 grams per person, for 25 people
- spoons, napkins
- delivery time: 15:00
- Delivery time: 11.2017, 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m
- Location: Cluj-Napoca, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Biodiversity Research Center (building located in the USAMV premises, on the hill, access can be done by car to the location)
Term of delivery/performance/execution: November 28, 2017
Other mentions: the exact number of people will be communicated 2 days before the event
Office/Department: Department Projects, International Relations, Partnerships
CPV code: 55300000-3
Estimated value: 15 lei/participant, 975 lei + VAT for 65 participants
The financial offer is drawn up in lei with and without VAT and will contain the costs grouped as follows:
- Cost of catering services / participant;
- Total event cost
The criterion used for awarding the contract is The lowest price.
Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary office in Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobantilor no. 3, code 400118, tel. +40264431550, fax:+40 264439222, email achizitii@nord-vest.ro, for the attention of the Public Procurement Office.
Bid submission deadline: 22.11.2017 12 O'clock