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Purchase of catering services

Regarding the acquisition of: Catering services

Purchase object: "Mobility" meeting with the representatives of the county seat municipalities.

Location: North-West ADR meeting room.

Purchase object description (technical specifications):

  1. Catering services for an estimated number of 16 people organized as follows:

a) Welcome Coffee at 11 o'clock

  • Coffee, milk, disposable glasses/cups, white/brown sugar,
  • The water 1 bottle of carbonated mineral water / flat 0.33 l / person;
  • What do you have 3 varieties: mint, fruit and green, hot water, brown sugar,
  • Pastry sweet/salty
  • fruits

b) Lunch

  • Swedish buffet lunch that includes the following:
  • 1 kind of salad
  • Main course – 2 types of meat and 2 types of side dishes
  • Desert
  • Coffee, milk, disposable glasses/cups, white/brown sugar, napkins
  • The water flat/mineral at 0.33l
  • Natural juice and carbonated water
  • Thermos for coffee
  • Cutlery and plates, for serving the table,
  • Napkins

The estimated value is 60 lei - person + VAT.

The final number of participants will be confirmed one day before the event, which may be higher or lower than the initially estimated number.

Period: 05 December 2019

Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.

Deadline for submission of offers 03.12.2019 at 11 am

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The Association of Regional Development Agencies in Romania - ROREG signed a financing contract to support local authorities in the management and implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds