The North-West Regional Development Agency launches a new call for projects financed by the Technical Assistance Operational Program (POAT) 2014-2020

The North-West Regional Development Agency, as a partnership leader in the project "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the 2021-2027 programming period in the fields of urban mobility, urban regeneration for municipalities (other than county residences) and cities, leisure centers/tourist bases (school camps) and public tourism infrastructure and services, including heritage sites with tourism potential (2D)', will launch on 24.10.2022 a new call for projects as a result of the changes made to GEO 88/2020, amended by GEO no. 122 of September 8, 2022.


Following the observations from the POAT Management Authority, we inform you that changes will be made to an indicator related to the investment field "Road infrastructure of county interest, including detours". As a result, it will be necessary to change the methodology in this regard. So, THE CALL FOR PROJECTS (FOR ALL FIELDS) WILL BE LAUNCHED ON OCTOBER 24, AT 08:00.

All information on the eligibility of projects, activities and beneficiaries, as well as project sheets, can be consulted here. The selection methodology is in public consultation until 14.10.2022. Eligible beneficiaries are asked to send any comments to the address until 14.10.2022, at 12:00 at the latest.

The calendar of the call for project specifications:

The method of submitting the project sheets (signed electronically) is to send them, together with the related annexes, to the address until the latest on 28.10.2022, 14:00.

Identification data of the operation

Operation title: Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 in the fields of urban mobility, urban regeneration for municipalities (other than county residences) and cities, leisure centers/tourist bases (school camps) and public tourism infrastructure and services, including heritage sites with tourism potential (2D)

Program name: Opera programnational Technical Assistance (POAT) 2014-2020

Priority axis 1. Strengthening the capacity of beneficiaries to prepare and implement projects financed from FESI and dissemination of information on these funds

Investment priority POAT/OS 1.1./ Strengthening the capacity of beneficiaries of FESI-financed projects to prepare and implement mature projects

Project SMIS code 143478, 143479

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