"Planning of a bicycle lane on Botizului street - Pod Golescu" - Satu Mare

On November 14, 2019, the financing contract was signed for the project "Planning of the Botizului - Pod Golescu bicycle path", SMIS code 127683, beneficiary Satu Mare Municipality, within the 2014-2020 POR, Priority Axis 4 - Supporting sustainable urban development , Operation 4.1 "Reducing carbon emissions in county seat municipalities through investments based on sustainable urban mobility plans".

The total value of the project is 8,089,932.28 lei, of which non-refundable financial support from the European Regional Development Fund 6,837,586.21 lei.

The project started in October 2017 and has a completion date of 02.08.2022.

The aim of the project is to reduce carbon emissions in the municipality of Satu Mare through investments based on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the municipality of Satu Mare.

The specific objective is to create, modernize and expand a coherent network of bike tracks/routes so that the use of cars becomes a less attractive option from an economic and travel time point of view, thus creating the conditions for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the municipality.

©️ photo source: pixabay.com
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