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The Association of Regional Development Agencies in Romania - ROREG signed a financing contract to support local authorities in the management and implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds

The Association of Agencies for Regional Development in Romania - ROREG signed the financing contract for the project "Support for the efficiency of the management and implementation of FESI at the level of local public authorities at the level of cities, municipalities and counties in Romania", MySMIS code: 132349, within the Operational Program Technical Assistance (POAT) 2014-2020.

The project involves providing support to local authorities to increase the efficiency of management and implementation of European projects, as well as the development of intra- and inter-regional cooperation activities at the level of counties, cities and municipalities in Romania.

Through the project's activities, the aim is to improve the mechanisms and management capacity of the projects with European funding of the local public authorities in the 8 development regions of Romania.

The expected results of the project include:

  • identification and analysis of skills needs, of projects implemented at the level of local and county public authorities,
  • training and exchange of experience carried out at regional and inter-regional level,
  • organizing national and regional conferences,
  • creating a website, a database and an IT application used by local and county public authorities, which aims to create a formal and sustainable framework for collaboration and communication in the field of FESI,
  • the identification and preparation of portfolios of regional projects for 2021-2027,
  • creating a guide with proposals to simplify the management of FESI.

The project implementation period is 31 months, respectively from 15.11.2019 to 14.05.2022.


For additional information, please contact us by phone/fax 0256 – 491.981/491.923 or by e-mail:

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