SIPOCA code 927/MySMIS2014 – 150753

The North-West Regional Development Agency, as a beneficiary, implements the project entitled "Consolidation of the dialogue between APL and the ecosystems of the North-West region" between August 17, 2022 and September 30, 2023, with funding in the amount of 400,237.22 lei provided from the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Administrative Capacity Operational Program (POCA).
The general objective of the project is to improve the collaboration between ADR North-West, other NGOs and/or social partners, local public authorities and entrepreneurial ecosystems (represented by entrepreneurial NGOs, hubs, employers' organizations, clusters, Chambers of Trade, etc.) from the North-West Development Region in order to facilitate dialogue on local development.
Within the project there will be a training component dedicated to strengthening the capacity of North-West ADR, other NGOs and/or social partners and the extended target group, as well as a methodology to facilitate dialogue between entities involved in local development. The project proposes concrete solutions that respond to the need to create a modern public administration in Romania and to strengthen the capacity of the non-profit sector, solutions that will contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens, being complementary to priority axis 2. POCA. "Accessible and transparent public administration and judicial systems" and with the specific objective 2.1. "The introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimize beneficiary-oriented processes in accordance with SCAP".
The specific objectives of the project:
OS1. The conclusion, development and consolidation of Partnerships for Local Development between ADR Northwest and Cluj-Napoca City Hall, Oradea City Hall, Bistrita City Hall, Baia Mare City Hall, Satu Mare City Hall, Zalău City Hall, other local public authorities, NGOs and/or social partners and entrepreneurial ecosystems (represented by entrepreneurial NGOs, hubs, employers' organizations, clusters, Chambers of Commerce, etc.) from the Northwest Development Region.
OS2. Strengthening the capacity of ADR North-West, other NGOs and/or social partners to facilitate dialogue on local development, between the 6 town halls that signed the Partnerships for Local Development, other local public authorities and entrepreneurial ecosystems (represented by entrepreneurial NGOs, hubs, employers' organizations, clusters, Chambers of Commerce, etc.) from the North-West Development Region.
Expected results at the end of the project:
- Increasing the capacity of NGOs and social partners to engage in the formulation and promotion of development at the local level.
- Consolidation of the 6 Partnerships for Local Development concluded before the implementation of this project.
- The conclusion, between ADR North-West and local public authorities, NGOs and/or social partners, of at least 6 new Partnerships for Local Development, which will be active during the implementation of the project and functional for 6 months after its completion.
- Selection and involvement in project activities of at least 100 representatives of the target group.
- Organization and conduct of two training courses after which a number of 50 participants will acquire skills in facilitating dialogue on local development and in developing strategies and monitoring them.
- The existence of a methodology to facilitate the dialogue regarding local development between the Northwest ADR, other NGOs and/or social partners, local public authorities and entrepreneurial ecosystems (represented by entrepreneurial NGOs, hubs, employers' organizations, clusters , Chambers of Commerce, etc.) from the Northwest Development Region.
The total value of the project is 400,237.22 lei, the eligible non-refundable amount: 392,232.46 lei (98%), the eligible amount from the FSE: 333,397.59 lei (83.3%), the eligible non-refundable amount from the national budget: 58,834.87 lei ( 14.7%) and eligible co-financing from the beneficiary of 8,004.76 lei (2%).
Address: Calea Dorobantilor, No. 3, loc. Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county Telephone: 0264-431550 extension 815, Fax. 0264-439222 Email:, |
Project co-financed from the European Social Fund through Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020!