Corrigendum no. 1 for the SIMPLIFIED GUIDE Specific conditions for accessing funds intended for the preparation of infrastructure projects in the fields of intelligent specialization for the North-West Region, "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the 2021-2027 programming period in the field of specialization intelligent" CALL no. 2

ADR North-West public Corrigendum no. 1 for THE SIMPLIFIED GUIDE Specific conditions for accessing funds intended for the preparation of infrastructure projects in the fields of intelligent specialization for the North-West Development Region, "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 in the field of intelligent specialization" CALL no. 2, and the related annexes, by which they change the deadline for submitting the project sheets.

The new deadline for the submission of project sheets from fields related to intelligent specialization, within call 2, is May 7, 2021, 12:00 p.m.

Please see all the changes proposed by Corrigendum no. 1.

We remind you:

All the details related to the submission and selection process of the project sheets can be found in the Simplified Guide, which can be consulted below.

The North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Administrator of the Minimis Aid scheme at the level of the North-West development region, will finance the development of the following types of technical-economic documentation for projects in fields related to Intelligent Specialization:

  • feasibility study or approval documentation for intervention works, as the case may be;
  • project for the authorization/cancellation of the execution of the works;
  • the technical execution project.

Optionally, support can also be requested for documentation such as: business plan; marketing study; opportunity study; geotechnical study; study for obtaining environmental agreements/consent; archaeological study, hydrological study; topographic study; cadastral documentation; as well as any other categories of studies and documentation for obtaining approvals/authorizations that are necessary for the implementation of projects in areas related to Intelligent Specialization.

The categories of eligible beneficiaries, according to GEO 88/2020, are:

  • territorial administrative units in partnership with universities, research institutes, NGOs, other public or private research-development-innovation entities, micro-enterprises/small, medium and large enterprises;
  • partnerships between universities, research institutes, NGOs, other public or private research-development-innovation entities, micro-enterprises and/or small, medium and large enterprises;
  • universities,
  • research institutes,
  • NGOs,
  • other public or private research-development-innovation entities,
  • micro enterprises
  • small, medium and large enterprises.

For additional information please contact us by e-mail at:

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Corrigendum no. 1 for the SIMPLIFIED GUIDE Specific conditions for accessing funds intended for the preparation of infrastructure projects in the fields of intelligent specialization for the North-West Region, "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the 2021-2027 programming period in the field of specialization intelligent" CALL no. 2
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Sprijin la nivelul Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest pentru pregătirea de proiecte finanțate din perioada 2021–2027 pe domeniul specializare inteligentă, cod SMIS 141736
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