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Free online course - developing and implementing Smart Specialization Strategies

Between October 7, 2019 and December 20, 2019, the second edition of the course on the development of Intelligent Specialization Strategies will take place, an online course held by Prof. Dominique Foray (EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) – the main author of the theory on specialization smart – and Martin Eichler (BAK Economics).

Although the general principles of smart specialization are already known among practitioners in the field, the actual implementation and monitoring process of Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) is still a novelty for most regions. Precisely for this reason, the sessions within the program were designed starting from case studies intended to support with concrete examples the way to develop and implement these strategies.

For the first time, the course will be accompanied by Peter Berkowitz from the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) who will provide examples and best practices regarding the implementation of S3 within the current programming period.

Starting this year, participation in the course is free, for registration please access the link:

For more information you can consult the official brochures below:

Booklet 1 – MOOC: Massive Open Online Course

Booklet 2 – MOOC: Massive Open Online Course

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Free online course - developing and implementing Smart Specialization Strategies
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