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The Northwest Regional Development Agency (ADR) is an independent regional organization, established in accordance with Law 151/1998 (regional development law, later repealed by Law 315/2004), by Decision no. 4/ 16.12.1998 of the Council for Regional Development of the North-West Development Region, as a body of public utility, with legal personality, acting in areas specific to regional development.

The Northwest Regional Development Agency (ADR) is the coordinator and editor of four Regional Development Plans (RDP), developed in partnership with the Regional Planning Committee: PDR 2000-2002, PDR 2004-2006, PDR 2007-2013 and PDR 2014 -2020.

As far as regional programs are concerned, ADR Nord-West was the authority for the implementation of pre-accession funds, within the Phare CES and governmental Programs, in the period 1999-2009.

For the period 2007-2013, ADR North-West fulfilled the role of Intermediate Body for the Regional Operational Program POR – REGIO, co-financed from the structural funds; The Management Authority for the 2007-2013 ROP being the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MDRAP).

In March 2013, the Ministry of Economy (in its capacity as the Management Authority of the Sectoral Operational Program Increasing Economic Competitiveness - POS CCE) and ADR North-West signed an agreement by which the former delegated a number of powers to the POSCCE Intermediate Body established in within the ADR North-West, attributions aimed at the implementation of Priority Axis 1 – An innovative and eco-efficient production system and, subsequently, from 2014, Priority Axis 3 – Operation 3.1.1,,Supporting access to the Internet and related services” .

The North-West Regional Development Agency has been involved, since its establishment, in various strategically important partnerships through which it supports regional development objectives, among which we mention:

Organization name Northwest ADR quality
Association of Agencies for Regional Development from Romania ROREG Founding member
Northwest Regional Pact Association for Employment and Social Inclusion (PROISNV) Founding member
Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Oradea BRECO - for the Romania-Hungary border Founding member
Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation - for the Romania-Ukraine border Founding member
Cluj Cultural Capital Association 2021 Founding member

Other partnerships:

Collaboration protocol with the Faculty of European Studies - "Babeş-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca

Regional collaboration protocol concluded with the Export-Import Bank of Romania EXIMBANK SA, Cluj Branch

Collaboration agreement within the Regional Consortium of the Northwest Development Region


ADR Nord-Vest a facilitat, începând cu anul 2008, crearea de clustere în domenii strategice cu potenţial pentru dezvoltarea economică a regiunii, cum ar fi energia geotermală şi apa, energiile regenerabile, fabricarea mobilierului, sectorul IT etc.

ADR Nord-Vest was the initiator of three of the seven existing clusters at the regional level - the Transilvan Furniture Cluster, Cluj IT and TREC Transylvania Energy Cluster, having the capacity of founding member or member with a catalytic role in the associations established for the implementation of development strategies.

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