Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest (Transilvania de Nord) is one of the eight development regions in Romania and is composed of six counties: Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Cluj, Maramureş, Satu Mare and Sălaj.
The area of the region is 34.159 square kilometers, which represents 14,32% of the country's surface, with a population of 2.730.132 inhabitants. The region has a strategic positioning, being located on the border with Hungary and Ukraine, and within the country it borders the Central, Western and North-Eastern regions.
The region is crossed by five European roads, has a highway under construction and benefits from three international airports. It is one of the most picturesque regions in Romania, starting with the Apuseni Mountains and ending with the special character of the cultural-folk heritage of this unique ethnographic area. Northern Transylvania is a multi-ethnic region, where Romanians, Hungarians (approx. 37% of the total Hungarian population in the country), Germans, Armenians, Roma, etc. live together.
Regional poles of economic development
The most important cities of the region are Cluj-Napoca, Baia-Mare, Oradea, Zalău, Satu Mare and Bistriţa. These are considered regional poles of economic development and cities with a special cultural and historical heritage. There are three metropolitan areas in the region: Cluj-Napoca, Oradea and Baia Mare.