The Northwest Regional Development Agency, partner organization in the project C-Voucher, launching today, August 1, 2019, The call for funding and support services for the adoption of circular economy solutions:
The call has a budget of 270,000 Euros and is addressed to small and medium-sized enterprises from the member states of the European Union and from the states associated with the Horizon 2020 program that operate in the processing, agri-food, textile, health and water industries.
The proposed projects can aim at optimizing the production flow, integrating biodegradable materials into the range of products or using such packaging, reducing, recycling or reusing waste generated in the production process, extending the life cycle of products, aligning with environmental standards and changing the model of business administration, from linear to circular.
18 companies will be selected to participate between January and March 2020 at The Value Chain Replication Program. It will take place over a period of 3 months and will include:
- A voucher in the form of a non-refundable grant of 15,000 euros for the development of an investment plan to prepare the innovative circular solution (human resource costs for own staff and/or attracting an external consultant are eligible, any other costs that allow the Study to be carried out, including travel for best practices in solution development or application)
- Support for 1 month from an expert in coaching and #designthinking to identify optimal solutions
- business mentoring services from partner organizations abroad
The deadline for submitting applications for the call for projects is 31 October 2019
Six circular solutions are currently being developed under the C-Voucher Acceleration Programme, following a funding Scheme launched last year, serving as good practice and inspiration for adopting one of these solutions or proposing other types of innovation to subscribes to at least one of the eight business models of the circular economy:
Important details:
- Knowledge of the English language is a prerequisite for access to funding
- Documentation related to the Applicant's Guide, extract of the Application Form, Questions & Answers:
- The application form is completed online, on the dedicated platform
- The deadline for submitting applications for the first call for projects is 31 October 2019
- For other details related to the context of the project, see the website:
- Interested companies can request details and guidance from ADR Northwest, Department of Regional Development, Projects, Tourism
- Brief presentation in Romanian of the financing scheme: pdf
- Brief presentation in Romanian of the 6 circular solutions under development: pdf
The C-VOUCHER project is implemented by a European consortium from 6 states consisting of development agencies, accelerators, clusters and universities and is financed by the European research-development-innovation program Horizon 2020, component INNOSUP-1- Projects facilitated by clusters for creating new value chains. Five clusters from the North-West region are associated partners in this project, facilitating the dissemination of opportunities and informing companies in the industries in which they operate: AgroTransilvania Cluster, Transilvan Furniture Cluster, CLEMS Cluster, HOLZBOX Cluster and ADMATECH Cluster.
Through four funding schemes that will take place between October 2018 and March 2020, the C-Voucher project allocates a budget of 4.2 million euros to support 66 companies in Europe to develop, implement and adopt solutions of environmentally friendly circular economy. This is the second funding call conducted under the C-Voucher project. The next one will be launched between October 1 and November 30, 2019 Call for development of innovative solutions which involves vouchers of 60,000 euros for contracting technology suppliers and enrolling in a 9-month Acceleration Program for 6 other companies. Also, in the summer of 2020, the IIa edition will be launched The call for the adoption of innovative solutions, through which 24 other companies will have the opportunity to develop investment plans for the preparation of circular economy solutions.