The Northwest Regional Development Agency announces the start of the project entitled "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the 2021-2027 programming period in the fields of urban mobility, urban regeneration for municipalities (other than county seats) and cities, leisure centers/tourist bases (school camps) and public tourism infrastructure and services, including heritage sites with tourism potential (2D)” with financing through POAT 2014-2020.
The general objective of the project is the preparation of mature projects for the 2021-2027 programming period at the level of the North-West development region.
The specific objective of the project is to ensure the capacity at the regional level to prepare technical-economic documentation at the level of the North-West development region for the projects related to the 2021-2027 programming period in the fields of:
– urban mobility for municipalities (other than county residences) and cities,
– urban regeneration for municipalities (other than county residences) and cities
– leisure centers/tourist bases (school camps)
– public tourism infrastructure and services, including heritage sites with tourist potential
Expected resultse: 82 documentaţii tehnico-economice elaborate la nivelul Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest aferente proiectelor din portofoliul 2021-2027 pentru domeniile:
– urban mobility for municipalities (other than county residences) and cities,
– urban regeneration for municipalities (other than county residences) and cities
– leisure centers/tourist bases (school camps)
– public tourism infrastructure and services, including heritage sites with tourist potential
Beneficiary: North-West Regional Development Agency
Nr. și dată contract de finanțare: 1.1.149/01.11.2021 + Act adițional nr. 2/16.08.2023 + Act adițional nr.3/24.11.2023
Valoarea totală eligibilă a proiectului: 27.806.429,73 lei
Asistenţă financiară nerambursabilă: 23.635.465,31 lei din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională şi 3.641.464,94 lei din bugetul naţional.
Durata proiectului: 42 luni, respectiv de la 01.08.2020 până la 15.12.2023.
Through the support granted to ADR Nord-Vest, the project contributes to achieving the specific objective of Priority Axis 1: OS 1.1. Qimproving the capacity of FESI-funded project beneficiaries to prepare and implement mature projects.
The project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through POAT 2014-2020.