In the 2021-2027 programming period, the Northwest Regional Development Agency (ADR North-West) will fulfill the role of Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 (POR NV 2021-2027). According to GEO no. 122/2020, which provides for measures to ensure the efficiency of the decision-making process of non-refundable external funds intended for regional development in Romania, the North-West Development Region will have its own Regional Operational Program for the period 2021-2027, with priorities and allocations adapted to its needs.
As the Management Authority for the Northwest POR 2021-2027, ADR North-West will coordinate the launching of calls for projects, their evaluation, contracting, monitoring and verification, as well as the settlement of payments and the achievement of the indicators proposed by the financed projects.
The general objective of the project is to support the North-West Regional Development Agency in fulfilling the role of Management Authority for the North-West Regional Operational Program for the period 2021-2027 and the specific objective is to ADR North-West to become operational as the Management Authority for the Northwest POR 2021-2027.
The project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Technical Assistance Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority axis: 2 "Support for the coordination, management and control of FESI" / Specific objective: 2.1 "Improving the regulatory, strategic and procedural framework for coordination and implementation FESI" / Action: 2.1.1 "Improving the regulatory, strategic and procedural framework for the coordination and implementation of FESI".
Beneficiary: North-West Regional Development Agency
No. and financing contract date: 2.1.134/08.03.2021
The total value of the project: 2,058,688.25 lei
Non-refundable financial assistance: 2,058,688.25 lei of which 1,749,885.03 lei from the European Regional Development Fund and 308,803.22 lei from the national budget.
Project duration: 17 months, respectively from 01.08.2020 to 31.12.2021.
Expected results:
1. Northwest Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 elaborated and submitted to the European Commission.
2. Description of the system developed and approved at the North-West ADR level as AM POR 2021-2027.
3. Operational procedures developed and approved at the North-West ADR level as AM POR North-West 2021-2027.
4. Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the Northwest ROP 2021-2027.
Through the support given to ADR Nord-West, the project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective 2.1 of Priority Axis 2 related to POAT 2014-2020, as the actions aim at improving the regulatory, strategic and procedural framework for the coordination and implementation of FESI.
The project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through POAT 2014-2020.