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Regional Launch Priority 2.2 SMEs ROP 2014-2020

The North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Intermediate Body for the 2014-2020 ROP, at the level of the North-West Region, organizes on January 26, 2017, seminar for the regional launch of the guide, intended for SMEs, within the Investment Priority 2.2 "Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and the development of services".

The event will take place at Ramada Hotel, Calea Turzii, no 43-49, from Cluj Napoca starting at 11.00.

For registrations, please visit the link or by email at . The deadline for applications is January 24, 2017, 3:00 p.m.

For organizational details, Cristian Ciuta, phone 0755777013 or email

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Regional Launch Priority 2.2 SMEs ROP 2014-2020