The Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities launched the call for projects "Creating a network of day care centers for children at risk of being separated from their families", part of Component 13 – Social reforms from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania (PNRR), Investment I.1.
The overall objective of the component is to increase the degree of integration and access to social services and socio-professional insertion of disadvantaged categories, the development of active policies to stimulate the formalization of work and to increase the impact and quality of social assistance and employment services, combined with stimulating access to the labor market through the development of flexible work formulas and activation measures in the area of the social economy.
Through Investment I1 those local initiatives that lead to the creation of service networks in the interest and for the well-being of the child will be supported.
The principles applicable to the program are:
- orienting resources towards the needs and demands expressed by local authorities;
- making the local authorities responsible in assuming the specific duties of preventing the separation of the child from his family, through the development of social infrastructure intended for day care centers, by ensuring the local financial resources for their operation after the completion of the project implementation;
- encouraging the association between local authorities, in the situation where the administrative and or financial capacity does not allow them to establish day care centers;
- sustainability over time of the completed projects and their adaptation to similar needs according to the evolution of the community;
- transparency and responsibility in managing the own budget.
Through this call for projects, the following will be financed:
- at least 145 day care centers that will meet the requirement for near-zero energy buildings in accordance with national guidelines;
- at least 5 day care centers that will comply with the primary energy requirement objective at least 20 % lower than the requirement for buildings whose energy consumption is close to zero according to national guidelines, which will be ensured by energy performance certificates .
The maximum eligible value of a project is:
- 330,000 Euros without VAT for 145 buildings whose energy consumption is almost equal to zero;
- 484,000 Euros without VAT for 5 buildings that will comply with the objective regarding the primary energy requirement with at least 20% lower than the requirement for buildings whose energy consumption is almost equal to zero according to national guidelines.
The budget of the call is 248,740,987 lei, without VAT, equivalent to 50,270,000 €, without VAT.
Project applications can be submitted for two months, until January 9, 2023, 23:59.
Investments can be made for the construction, rehabilitation, modernization, expansion and equipment of these centers intended for children from families in vulnerable situations. At least 10 percent of these centers will be established in vulnerable areas and where the Roma community is more numerous.
The guide containing all the conditions for accessing the European funds granted under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for this investment and the annexes containing the necessary forms for project submission are available at: https://mfamilie.gov.ro/1/pnrr/?fbclid=IwAR3T7EJHVO6w-85F1k1SxDyi6ACByHtOdHGM5i5F20BfeRNxjyLAJ0etEmM
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