In period 25-27 November 2019, two North-West ADR experts from Tourism Department of the Department of Regional Development, Projects and International Relations participated in the project launch meeting Recapture The Fortress Cities (RFC), financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Territorial Cooperation Program Interreg Europe 2014-2020.
The meeting was organized by the project's initiator organization, Regionale Landschappen – Antwerp, Belgium.
The project brings together 7 partners from 7 EU member states (Spain, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Greece) and aims to contribute through the exchange of experience between partners and the transfer of best practices so much to increase the attractiveness of the fortifications in the partner regions How and increasing administrative capacity by acquiring skills – at the level of target groups and partners involved in the project.
All the project partners were present at the meeting together with some of the members of the regional committees of representatives - target groups invited to present their challenges and the solutions they have in mind during the implementation period RFC.
Oradea City Museum and The Foundation for the Protection of Historical Monuments from Bihor County they represented The fortress from Oradea, with information so much about the activities of capitalizing on the historical and cultural heritage in the city How and about the financing of restoration works through two projects with European funding. The two projects were implemented through the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, having a total value of 21 million Euros and thus resulting in a good practice in the development of the North-West Region.
The project launch event gave the participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the specific aspects in the partner regions regarding the situation of the fortifications considered for improvement.
During the meeting, the partners participated in study visits and panel discussions formed by important organizations at the regional level, regarding the environment, heritage, development and territorial planning, tourism development and local public authorities. The activities in the following period, with a preponderance at the beginning of 2020, will be related to the consolidation of the regional committees of representatives (local target groups) in all partner regions in conjunction with the organization of the first meetings at the regional level.