According to the provisions of GEO no. 88/2020 regarding the establishment of measures and the granting of financial support for the preparation of the portfolio of projects in strategic areas considered priority for the programming period 2021-2027, intended for financing through the Technical Assistance Operational Program 2014-2020 (POAT 2014-2020) and the Infrastructure Operational Program Mare (POIM), MFE, through AM POAT, will grant financial support for the preparation of projects of strategic importance, in the following 5 fields:
a) Urban mobility;
b) Urban regeneration
c) Road infrastructure of county interest, including detours and/or connecting roads;
d) Leisure centers / tourist bases / school camps;
e) Public tourism infrastructure and services, including heritage sites with tourism potential.
Find below the project sheets in editable format to facilitate their completion.
Appendix 1.1_Model Investment_project_file Road infrastructure of county interest, including detours
Appendix 1.2_Model Investment_project_file Urban mobility
Appendix 1.3_Model Investment_project_file Urban regeneration
Annex 1.4_Model Investment_project_file Tourism, including Heritage Objectives
Annex 1.5_Model_Project_sheet_Leisure_Centres_School_camps
Annex 2.2_Grid Selection and prioritization Urban mobility
Annex 2.3_Urban Regeneration Selection and Prioritization Grid
Annex 2.4_Tourism Selection and Prioritization Grid, including Heritage Objectives
Annex 2.5_Selection and prioritization grid Leisure centers_School_camps