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Modification of the annex to the Applicant's Guide for Emergency and Outpatient Units, UNFINISHED PROJECTS

The Annex to the "Applicant's Guide - Specific conditions for accessing funds for the ROP-related call, Priority Axis 8 - "Development of health and social infrastructure", Investment Priority 8.1 - Investments in health and social infrastructure that contribute to development at the national level, has been modified. regional and local, reducing inequalities in terms of health status and promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to services provided by communities, UNFINALIZED PROJECTS, Specific Objective 8.1 "Increase the accessibility of health, community and secondary level services, especially for poor and isolated areas", Operation A - Outpatients and Specific Objective 8.2 - Improving the quality and efficiency of emergency hospital care, Operation B - Emergency reception units.

The changes to the corresponding sections of the specific guide are contained in the "Summary of changes", available at

The rest of the conditions and provisions of the Specific Guide that are not found in the summary of changes remain unchanged.

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Modification of the annex to the Applicant's Guide for Emergency and Outpatient Units, UNFINISHED PROJECTS