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Project closure announcement - "Financial support for the North-West ADR in order to fulfill the delegated activities regarding the implementation of POSCCE - 2019"

The North-West Regional Development Agency and the Ministry of European Funds conclude the project "Financial support for North-West ADR in order to fulfill the delegated activities regarding the implementation of POSCCE - 2019", contract number 2.1.101/24.04.2019, MySMIS code 128343.

The project was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Technical Assistance Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 – Support for the coordination, management and control of the FESI, Specific Objective 2.1 – Improving the regulatory, strategic and procedural framework for the coordination and implementation of the FESI, Action 2.1.1 – Activities to improve the framework and conditions for the coordination and control of FESI and for the management of POAT, POIM AND POC.

Beneficiary: North-West Regional Development Agency

The overall objective of the project is to provide support for the transparent and efficient management and implementation of the Structural Instruments in the process of closing the SOP CCE 2007-2013.

The specific objective of the project: supporting the process of closing the SOP CCE 2007 - 2013, through the appropriate and timely fulfillment of all the duties delegated by the Management Authority for the Sectoral Operational Program for the Increase of Economic Competitiveness (POSCCE) to the Intermediate Body for the SOP CCE established within the Agency of North-West Regional Development, by providing logistical and salary support for the staff involved in closing the POS CCE.

The results obtained inside the project:

(1) 12 months of logistical and salary support for the closing process of POSCCE 2007 – 2013;

(2) 190 reports of investment sustainability beneficiaries verified for a number of 181 projects;

(3) Implementation of the measures included in the action plans developed by the AM POS CCE, as a result of the recommendations resulting from the external audit missions of the POS CCE and at least 1 report to the AM POS CCE (if applicable) regarding the status of the fulfillment of the performance indicators to the beneficiaries of projects financed by SOP CCE;

(4) archiving of documents related to the performance of delegated duties;

(5) 102 sustainability visits completed with 102 interventions related to their monitoring during the sustainability period.

The final total value of the project: 4,890,018.96 lei,

Non-refundable financial assistance: 998,106.19 lei, from which 844,843.39 lei from the European Regional Development Fund and 153,262.20 lei from the national budget.

Ineligible value: 3,891,912.77 lei.

Project duration: 12 months, respectively from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019.

Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Technical Assistance Operational Program 2014-2020

Contact details: telephone 0264-431550; email:; website:

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