The conference to disseminate the activities carried out for 3 years within the project RFC – Recapture the Fortress Cities was organized in Spain by the Government of Teruel Province, between April 21-22, 2022.

30 representatives of the partner regions from 6 countries participated in the picturesque town of Albarracin in the presentation sessions of the Action Plans proposed to adopt good practices in the field of investment planning, rehabilitation and revitalization of heritage.

The Romanian delegation was represented by the director of the National History Museum of Transylvania, Mr. Felix Marcu, director of the țara Silvaniei Intercommunity Development Association, Mr. Daniel Stejeran and three members of the project team from ADR Nord-Vest, namely the head of the Regional Development, Projects and International Relations department, the project manager and a tourism technical expert, assisted by the external expert Zsolt Csok from ProRestauratio SRL.
Interreg Europe RFC Dissemination Conference: Aragon TV interview
Following the exchange of best practices between the partner regions, a series of measures were planned to be implemented in the second stage of the project, until July 2023. The most relevant ones include: the preparation of master plans for the integrated planning of investments dedicated to historical heritage ( in the partner regions of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Romania), the preparation of technical documentation related to the portfolio of projects for the operational programs 2021-2027 (Romania, Slovakia), heritage digitization initiatives (Belgium, Spain, Romania), the development of thematic cultural routes through rehabilitation, promotion and digitization (such as the Route of Roman Castles and the Route of Citadels from PNRR Romania).

On the second day, a debate was organized starting from the public policy instruments specific to each partner region, with details of current and future funding programs for heritage rehabilitation and revitalization, which can be viewed in full at this link:
The meeting ended with a drive and a guided visit to Peracense, an 11th century fortress that preserves the vestiges of the past for the delight of tourists and locals alike.

The measures proposed in the action plans, the impact of the study visits, of the workshops organized between the partner regions and of the regional meetings, have been synthesized in the promotional video material that we invite you to watch:
Article written by Ioana Dragoș, project manager