Purchase object: servicii de expediere postala in regim de urgenta – preluare 03.12.2018 cu livrare urgenta in data de 04.12.2018 – orele 10:00.
Purchase object description (technical specifications):
Servicii de expediere postala in regim de urgenta la Bucureşti – preluare 03.12.2018 cu livrare urgenta in data de 04.12.2018 – orele 10:00.
Term of delivery/performance/execution: 03.12.2018
Valoare estimate 200 lei fata TVA
Funding source: Own funds
CPV 64100000-7
The bidders will send the bids by email to the address achizitii@nord-vest.ro.
The criterion used for awarding the contract is The lowest price
Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email secretariat@nord-vest.ro to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.
Offer submission deadline 03.12.2018 ora 13:00