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The status of the project sheets submitted for the call within the project "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 in the field of intelligent specialization"

Today, 06.06.2022, the Northwest Regional Development Agency informs those interested in submitting project files for the call conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Simplified Guide Specific Conditions for accessing funds intended for the preparation of infrastructure projects in the fields of intelligent specialization for the Northwest Region, " Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the 2021-2027 programming period in the field of intelligent specialization", that the value of the non-refundable financing requested through the project sheets submitted between May 9 and June 5, 2022, compared to the allocated value, is 49,76%.

In the context of this appeal, they were submitted during the period 09 May – 05 June 2022 a number of 7 projects, including 2 were rejected.

According to the provisions of chapter 1.1. Actions and types of activities supported, the call for submission may close before the deadline for submission of project sheets, if the value of registered support requests reaches the load threshold of 150% communicated through the applicant's guide. (See the provisions on page 16 of the Simplified Guide).

We remind you that the deadline for submitting project sheets is 10.07.2022, time 13:00.

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The status of the project sheets submitted for the call within the project "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 in the field of intelligent specialization"
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The status of the project sheets submitted for the call within the project "Support at the level of the North-West development region for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 in the field of intelligent specialization"