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"Support for new local European Bauhaus initiatives"

On March 30, 2022, the General Directorate for Regional and Urban Policy REGIO of the European Commission launched a new competitive call for the implementation of the New European Bauhaus, "Support for the new local European Bauhaus initiatives".

The call is addressed to small and medium-sized local authorities, with less than 100,000 inhabitants. Projects that promote the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus are targeted: sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.

20 projects will be selected within the competition. They will receive support from a group of interdisciplinary experts who will facilitate their adoption of the elements of the new European Bauhaus and the necessary support during implementation.

Applications can be submitted until May 30, 2022, 5:00 p.m. through the form available at:

More information about the call, eligibility, deadlines, as well as the online application form can be found at or in the guide below:

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