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Standardization supports innovation, a vector for the development of SMEs

Northwest Development Agency, point of contact Enterprise Europe Network and Bistrita-Năsăud Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in partnership with Romanian Standardization Association, organizes on September 28, 2016, starting at 11:00 a.m., the seminar "Standardization support for innovation, a vector for the development of SMEs" at the headquarters of the Bistrița-Năsăud Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Lecturer: Eng. Florica-Elena Ionescu, leading standardization expert within the Romanian Standardization Association (ASRO).

The national standards related to innovation management will be presented, the requirements for implementing, maintaining, evaluating and improving an innovation management system in any type of organization regardless of the size, products, technologies and services it provides, as well as standardization documents at the European and international level regarding innovation.

Representatives of commercial companies with concerns/results in research/development/innovation activity are expected to participate.

You can find the agenda of the event here.

For additional information and registration, we are at your disposal at ADR Nord-Vest, the contact person: Cristina David, technical expert, phone: 0758.777.044, email:

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Standardization supports innovation, a vector for the development of SMEs
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