In accordance with GEO no. 122 of July 29, 2020 regarding some measures to ensure the efficiency of the decision-making process of non-refundable external funds intended for regional development in Romania, starting with the next programming period, The Northwest Regional Development Agency (ADR) will perform the function of Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Operational Program (POR) 2021-2027.

In this capacity, ADR Nord-West developed the strategic document POR Nord-West 2021-2027 which will support the implementation of regional development projects through financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and from the state budget, addressing both public authorities and the private environment, in order to increase the quality of life in the region.
The North-West Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 has a proposed EU allocation of approximately 1.194 billion euros, and the national co-financing will be approximately 242.67 million euros. The program aims to stimulate innovation, intelligent and sustainable growth of the economy in order to reduce disparities and increase the standard of living by capitalizing on local diversity.
The North-West Regional Operational Program (POR North-West) 2021-2027, carried out by the North-West Regional Development Agency (ADR North-West), was approved by the Government of Romania during the meeting on Thursday, May 26, and later it was sent to the European Commission for verification and approval.
The program in the form approved by the Romanian Government is available below:
Main intervention priorities and the provided financial envelope covers the following areas:
• Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises
• Priority 2: A region with smart localities
• Priority 3: A region with environmentally friendly localities
• Priority 4: A region with sustainable multimodal urban mobility
• Priority 5: An accessible region
• Priority 6: An educated region
• Priority 7: An attractive region
• Technical support
The entire process of developing the Northwest ROP 2021-2027 and meeting the favorable conditions aimed correlation with existing planning documents regionally (The Northwest Regional Development Plan 2021-2027, The Northwest Smart Specialization Strategy RIS3, Regional Strategy for Urban Mobility and Smart Cities 2021-2027, Decision CDR 570/2022 regarding the transport network). Also, the strategic lines of the European cohesion policy were followed, the actions proposed through the North-West ROP 2021-2027 being focused on the 5 policy objectives (OP) of the European Commission:
a) a more competitive and smarter Europe, by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity;
(b) a greener, resilient, low-carbon Europe carbon, moving towards a zero-carbon economy by promoting the clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investments, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, prevention and management risks, as well as sustainable urban mobility;
(b) a more connected Europe by developing mobility;
(d) a more social and inclusive Europe, by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights;
(s) a Europe closer to citizens, by promoting the sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories and local initiatives.
The first three versions of the program were submitted for analysis both to the European Commission and to the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, as well as to the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration. Compared to versions 1, 2 and 3, the document in version 4 integrated changes appearing in the draft European regulations, comments received from the European Commission, new approaches resulting from the consultation of national and local partners, updates of achievement and result indicators.
POR Nord-Vest 2021-2027 is a strategic programming document that covers the fields of: smart specialization and innovation, increasing the competitiveness of SMEs, digitization in administration and for the benefit of citizens, energy efficiency, urban development, mobility and accessibility, protection of nature and biodiversity, educational infrastructure, tourism and cultural heritage.
- The Northwest Regional Development Plan 2021-2027
- The Northwest Smart Specialization Strategy RIS3
- Regional Strategy for Urban Mobility and Smart Cities 2021-2027
- Decision CDR 570/2022 on the approval of road routes of major importance for the region
- (POAT 2014-2020) Portfolio of projects in preparation for the period 2021-2027
- Studies and analyses
For more details, access the page of the Ministry of Investments and European Projects dedicated to the 2021-2027 programming period – CLICK HERE